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Children's Health
Our team offer compassionate care for children at all stages of development.
Book an appointment to see one of our doctors if you are concerned about:
Your child is feeling generally unwell (coughs/ cold/ sore throat/ fever/ stomach flu etc). We can take blood tests the same day. Results within 48 hours AND we can test inflammatory markers within 10 minutes helping our doctors to determine if your child has a viral or bacterial infection and whether antibiotics are the right course of action.
Skin conditions such as eczema, respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies, gastrointestinal issues such as constipation, colic or reflux, and any eye, ear nose or throat conditions.
Developmental, behavioural or emotional issues including screening, diagnosis and management of neurodevelopmental pathways such as ADHD (click here for more information), as well as identifying and managing anxiety and depression.
WLC Oxted Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Company No: 15568565 CQC Provider ID: 1-19879350245 D S House, 306 High Street, Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom, CR0 1NG